Commit d568117b by

common 1.4.4 电销权限

parent d0ef2237
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ task androidSourcesJar(type: Jar) {
ext {
PUBLISH_GROUP_ID = "com.sobot.library" //项目包名
PUBLISH_ARTIFACT_ID = 'sobotcommon_x' //项目名
PUBLISH_VERSION = '1.4.3' //版本号
PUBLISH_VERSION = '1.4.4' //版本号
......@@ -200,6 +200,36 @@ public class SobotPermissionManager {
// 任务总结-编辑
public static final String CCCV6_WHRW_RWZJBJ = "cccv6-whrw-rwzjbj";
public static final String scc = "scc";
public static final String scc_thjl= "scc-thjl";
public static final String scc_thxq= "scc-thxq";
public static final String scc_thxq_thxx= "scc-thxq-thxx";
public static final String scc_thxq_khxx= "scc-thxq-khxx";
public static final String scc_thxq_lybf= "scc-thxq-lybf";
public static final String scc_thxq_lyxz= "scc-thxq-lyxz";
public static final String scc_thxq_xzkh= "scc-thxq-xzkh";
public static final String scc_thxq_glkh= "scc-thxq-glkh";
public static final String scc_thxq_bjkh= "scc-thxq-bjkh";
public static final String scc_thxq_dhhb= "scc-thxq-dhhb";
public static final String scc_dxrw= "scc-dxrw";
public static final String scc_dxrw_rwxxbj= "scc-dxrw-rwxxbj";
public static final String scc_dxrw_rwzjbj= "scc-dxrw-rwzjbj";
public static String getCodeByType(String type) {
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(type)) {
switch (type) {
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